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Texas Nonpoint Source Management Program
Completed Projects
Completed Projects
Completed Projects
Continuation of the LCRA Creekside Soil and Water Conservation Program
Composting Support Project in the Bosque River Watershed
Coordinating Facilitation and Implementation of the Attoyac Bayou Watershed Protection Plan and Monitoring Implementation Effectiveness
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Mid and Lower Cibolo Creek
Implementation of the Leon River Water Protection Plan through Technical and Financial Assistance to Repair or Replace Failing On-Site Sewage Facilities in Hamilton County
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Attoyac Bayou Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Leon Watershed Protection Plan
Texas Silvicultural BMP Implementation and Water Resource Protection Project
Surface Water Quality Monitoring to Support the Implementation of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan
Texas Bacterial Source Tracking Program
Addressing Agricultural NPS Pollution in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed through Continuing Education of Best Management Practices
LCRA Creekside Soil and Water Conservation Program
Continued Restoration of Coastal Prairie Wetland at Sheldon Lake State Park
Continued Statewide Delivery of the Texas Well Owner Network
Coordinating Implementation of the Cedar Bayou Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Lower Nueces River Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Upper Llano Watershed Protection Plan
Development of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Development of the Upper Llano River Watershed Protection Plan
Enhancing Feral Hog Management Through Statewide Implementation of Lone Star Healthy Streams
Implementation of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Cedar Bayou and Double Bayou Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural NPS Components of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Best Management Practices to Reduce Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution in Support of the Arroyo Colorado WPP
Improving Runoff Water Quality from Small Pork Production Facilities Using Vegetative Treatment Areas
Investigation into Contributions of Nitrate-Nitrogen to Plum Creek, Geronimo Creek and the Underlying Leona Aquifer
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis for One Segment in the Red River Basin and One Waterbody in the Sabine River Basin
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis for One Waterbody in the Sulphur River Basin and One Waterbody in the Cyress Creek River Basin
Statewide Delivery of Riparian and Ecosystem Education Program
The Statewide Delivery of the Lone Star Healthy Streams Program
Surface Water Quality Monitoring to Support Implementation of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Adaptation of AVGWLF watershed model for use in Texas: Phase I
Agricultural NPS Remediation in the Cedar Creek Reservoir Watershed
Alternative Litter Management in Texas
Aquatic Experience – Agricultural NPS Education Project
Aquilla Reservoir TMDL Implementation Plan Monitoring Project
Arroyo Colorado Agricultural Nonpoint Source Assessment
Assessing Water Quality Management Plan Implementation in the Middle and South Bosque River and Hog Creek Watersheds
Assessment and Mitigation of Agricultural and Other Nonpoint Source Activities in the Cypress Creek Basin
Assessment of Bacterial Sources Impacting Lake Waco and Belton Lake
Assessment of Contact Recreation Use Impairments and Watershed Planning for Big Cypress Creek and Tributaries
Assessment of Contact Recreation Use Impairments and Watershed Planning for Five Tributaries of the Little Brazos River
Assessment of NPS Pollution from Cropland in the Oso Bay Watershed
Assessment of Preexisting and Post-Implementation Effects for the North Bosque River Watershed
Assessment of Springtime Contributions of Nutrients and Bacteria to the North Bosque River Watershed
Assessment of Water Quality and Watershed Planning for the Leona River
Atrazine Remediation in the Lake Lavon Watershed of Collin County
Atrazine Remediation in the Lake Lavon Watershed of Fannin County
Atrazine Remediation in the Lake Lavon Watershed of Grayson County
Bacteria Growth, Persistence, and Source Assessment in Rural Texas Landscapes and Streams
Bacterial Source Tracking for Little Brazos River Tributaries Bacteria Assessment
Bacterial Source Tracking to Support Adaptive Management of the Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan
Bacterial Source Tracking to Support the Development and Implementation of WPPs for the Lampasas and Leon Rivers
Best Management Practice (BMP) Verification in the Richland-Chambers Watershed
BMPs to Reduce Nitrate Impacts in Ground Water and to Assess Atrazine and Arsenic Occurrences in Private Water Wells
Broad-based Communication and Forecasting for Environmental Quality
Buck Creek Water Quality Sampling / Assessment Project
Building Partnerships for Cooperative Conservation in the Trinity River Basin
Classification of Current Land Use/Land Cover for Certain Watersheds Where TMDLs or WPPs Are In Development
Coastal Prairie Wetland Restoration at Sheldon Lake State Park
Continuous Water Quality Monitoring and Dissolved Oxygen Modeling in the Pecos River
Coordinating Implementation of the Leon River Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Creekside Conservation Program
Delivering Education Programs Focused on Stakeholder Needs to Address Agricultural NPS in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed
Demonstration of Composting as a Best Management Practice for Poultry Operations
Demonstration of Waste Management System Utilizing Constructed Wetlands
Development and Implementation of an Environmental Training Program for Manure and Compost Haulers/Applicators in the Texas High
Development and Testing of a Texas BMP Evaluation Tool to Aid Decision-Making in Conservation Planning on Agricultural Lands
Development of a Synergistic, Comprehensive Statewide Lone Star Healthy Streams Program
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Attoyac Bayou
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Cedar Bayou
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Double Bayou
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Geronimo Creek
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for the Concho River Basin
Development of the Lower Nueces River Watershed Protection Plan
Development of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Education of Best Management Practices in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed
Education Program for Improved Water Quality in Copano Bay
Educational Assistance in the Arroyo Colorado
Efficient Nitrogen Fertilization: Accounting for Field Nitrogen Mineralization
Ellis-Prairie SWCD Water Quality Project
Envirocast®: Increasing Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Through Watershed Awareness in the Upper Trinity River Watershed
Environmental Effects of In-House Windrow Composting of Poultry Litter
Environmental Regulatory Oversight Assistance for Unpermitted Animal Feeding Operations
Erosion and Sediment Control with Vegetative Barriers
Establishment of a Watershed Coordinator for the North Bosque River Watershed
Evaluation and demonstration of VTA effectiveness to protect runoff water quality on small pork production facilities in Texas
Extending TMDL Efforts in the North Bosque River Watershed
Fate and Transport of E. coli in Rural Texas Landscapes and Streams
Field of Dreams - Athletic Field Topdressing as a Commercial Market for Compost from Dairy Manure
Field Validation of the Texas Phosphorus Index
Field Validation of the Texas Phosphorus Index in the Poultry Areas of Texas
Gonzales SWCD WQMP Development, Implementation, and/or Maintenance Assistance
Groundwater Nitrogen Source Identification and Remediation in the Texas High Plains and Rolling Plains Regions
Identify and Characterize NPS Bacteria Pollution to Support Implementation of Bacteria TMDLs in the Oso Bay Watershed
Implementation of the Leon River WPP through Technical and Financial Assistance to Repair or Replace OSSFs in Hamilton County
Implementation of WQMPs in Oak Creek/Lake Trammell Watersheds of Nolan County Texas
Implementation of WQMPs in White River and Wichita River Watersheds
Implementation Support Project in the Richland-Chambers Reservoir Watershed
Implementation Support Project in the Sam Rayburn Reservoir and Toledo Bend Reservoir Watersheds
Implementing Educational Components of the Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan Focused on Agricultural NPS Pollution
Implementing the Arroyo Colorado WPP by Providing Technical and Financial Assistance to Reduce Agricultural NPS
Implementing the Pecos River Watershed Protection Plan
Improvement and Standardization of Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Mehlich III Soil Test Methodology: Phas
Improving Water Quality by Developing, Implementing, and Field Testing Innovative Methods
Instream Bacteria Influences from Bird and Bat Habitation of Bridges
Lake Fork Reservoir BMP Implementation Project
Lake Granger Watershed Assessment and Implementation Project
Lampasas River Watershed Assessment and Protection Project
LCRA Soil and Water Stewardship Program
Leon River Watershed Project
Leon River Watershed Protection Plan Project
Little River Atrazine Remediation Project (Central Texas SWCD)
Little River Atrazine Remediation Project (Little River/San Gabriel SWCD)
Lone Star Healthy Streams Program
Maintaining Sediment Prevention Through Repair of Floodwater Retarding Structures in McCulloch County
Management Repository of Agricultural and Silvicultural Environmental Data
Mathematical Model for the Dispersal of the Leaf Beetle for Biological Control of Invasive Saltcedar
Microwatershed-Based Approach to Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality in the North Bosque River Watershed
Modeling Atrazine in Seven Texas Watersheds
Modeling Nutrient Loads from Poultry Operations in the Toledo Bend Reservoir and Sam Rayburn Reservoir Watersheds
Modeling Support for Little Brazos River Tributaries Bacteria Assessment
Monitoring and Educational Programs Focused on Bacteria and Nutrient Runoff on Dairy Operations in the Leon Watershed
Monitoring Effectiveness of Nonpoint Source Nutrient Management in the North Bosque River Watershed
North Central Texas Atrazine Remediation Project – Limestone-Falls SWCD
Peach Creek Water Quality Improvement Project
Phytoremediation of Excessively High Phosphorus Soils and Subsequent Reduced Phosphorus Runoff into the North Bosque River
PLAN for Tomorrow: Poultry Litter Application on New Sites
Preventing Water Quality Contamination Through the Texas Well Owner Network
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis for Aransas Creek
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis for Mid Pecan Bayou
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis for San Miguel Creek
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis for Ten Creeks in the Red River and Neches River Basins
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis of Buffalo Creek
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis of Dixon Creek
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis of Paradise Creek
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis of Sweetwater Creek
Reducing Atrazine Losses in Central Texas
Regional Watershed Coordinator
Saltwater Revegetation Demonstration Project
Seymour Aquifer Water Quality Improvement Project
Soil and Water Conservation District Water Quality Management Plan Development, Implementation, and/or Maintenance Assistance
Statewide Bacterial Source Tracking Program for FY2015
Statewide Bacterial Source Tracking Program FY13-14
Statewide Delivery of LSHS Feral Hog Component and Providing Technical Assistance on Feral Hog Management in Priority Watersheds
Statewide Delivery of Riparian and Stream Ecosystem Education Program
Statewide Delivery of the Texas Well Owner Network (TWON2)
Surface Water Quality Monitoring to Support Development and Implementation of Bacteria TMDLs in the Copano Bay Watershed
SWAT Model Simulation of the Arroyo Colorado Watershed
Targeted Brush Control in the E.V. Spence Reservoir Watershed
Technical Assistance and Implementation in the West Fork of the Trinity River Watershed
Technical Assistance Supporting Cooperative Conservation in South Central Texas
Texas Silvicultural BMP Effectiveness Study
Texas Silvicultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement and Prevention Project
Texas Silvicultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention and Abatement
Texas Silvicultural Nonpoint Source Project
Texas Watershed Steward Program
The Impact of Proper Organic Fertilizer Management in Production of Agriculture
Upper Colorado Saltcedar Control Project: Biological Control Component
Wastewater/Manure Management System Demonstration: Edge-of-Field Monitoring
Water Quality Management Plan Initiative for the Nonpoint Source Pork Industry
Water Quality Monitoring in the Geronimo Creek Watershed and Facilitation of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Partnership
Watershed Protection Plan Development for Buck Creek
Watershed Protection Plan Development for the Navasota River below Lake Limestone
Watershed Protection Plan Development for the Pecos River
WQMP Implementation Assistance for Johnson County SWCD
WQMP Implementation Assistance in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed
WQMP Implementation Assistance in the Falcon Reservoir Drainage Area in Zapata County
WQMP Implementation Assistance in the Mountain Creek Watershed
WQMP Implementation Assistance in the Oso Bay and Creek Watershed
WQMP Implementation Assistance in the Richland and Chambers Creeks Watershed
WQMP Implementation Assistance in the Toledo Bend Reservoir Watershed
WQMP Implementation in the Middle and South Bosque River Watersheds
Continuation of Surface Water Quality Monitoring to Support the Implementation of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan
Continued Implementation of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan
Surface Water Quality Monitoring in the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed to Support the Implementation of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan
Continued Implementation of Best Management Practices to Reduce Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution in Support of the Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan
Continued Implementation of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan
Continued Implementation of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Leon Watershed Protection Plan
Extended Delivery of the Texas Watershed Steward Program
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Lavon Lake Watershed Protection Plan
Characterizing the Middle Yegua, Davidson Creek, and Deer Creek Watersheds
Characterizing the Kickapoo Creek in Henderson County Watershed
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Componenets of Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan (16-10)
Continuation of the LCRA Creekside Soil and Water Conservation Program
Extended Delivery of the Texas Watershed Stewards Program
Statewide Delivery of Riparian and Ecosystem Education Program
Implementation of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Data Collection and Development of Essential Components to Support the Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Lake Lavon
Statewide Bacterial Source Tracking Program (FY16-FY17)
Coordinating Facilitation and Implementation of the Double Bayou Watershed Protection Plan and Monitoring for Implementation Effectiveness
Coordinating Implementation of the Watershed Protection Plan for Mid and Lower Cibolo Creek
Implementing Agriculture and Rural Management Measures in the Update to the Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan (ACWPP) to Address NPS Pollution and Impairments
Provide Silvicultural Educational Programs and Technical Assistance to Promote BMP Implementation
Statewide Delivery of the Lone Star Healthy Streams Program
Development and Implementation of a Watershed Protection Plan for Lavon Lake
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Watershed Coordinator Development Program
Attoyac Bayou Watershed Protection Plan Implementation Effectiveness Monitoring and Facilitation Continuation
Continued Coordination and Implementation of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan
Monitoring the Effectiveness of Regenerative Agriculture Approaches on Water Quality in Integrated Crop/Livestock Systems
Continued Surface Water Quality Monitoring for Middle Yegua Creek, Davidson Creek, and Deer Creek Watersheds
Pond Creek Watershed Monitoring and Assessment
Little Brazos River Tributaries Assessment and Planning Monitoring Support
Using soil sample analysis to help address nutrient and sediment run off in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed
Continued Statewide Delivery of the Texas Well Owner Network & Water Resources Education and Outreach for Students and Teachers
Little River Supplemental Watershed Monitoring
Surface Water Quality Monitoring in the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed to Support the Implementation of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan
Continued Coordination of the Leon River Watershed Protection Plan Implementation
Surface Water Quality Monitoring to Support Implementation of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Statewide Delivery of Lone Star Healthy Streams Feral Hog Component and Providing Technical Assistance on Feral Hog Management in Priority Watersheds
Update and Enhance the Texas Best Management Practice Evaluation Tool
Targeted Education to Decrease Nonpoint Source Loadings
Water Quality and Pollutant Loading Assessment in the Angelina River above Sam Rayburn Watershed
Continued Statewide Delivery of the Texas Watershed Steward Workshop
Statewide Delivery of the Texas Well Owner Network
Implementation of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Facilitation and Implementation of the Lavon Lake Watershed Protection Plan (WPP)
Continued Coordinating Implementation of the Leon River Watershed Protection Plan
Middle Yegua and Davidson Creeks Continued Monitoring
Implementing Agricultural NPS Management Measures of the Cedar Bayou and Double Bayou Watershed Protection Plans
Kickapoo Creek in Henderson County Watershed Protection Plan
Brushy Creek Watershed Monitoring and Historical Streamflow Estimation
Regional Agriculture BMP Planning Database
Little River Continued Surface Water Quality Monitoring
Deer and Pond Creeks Continued Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Education Effectiveness
"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."
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