Project Goals/Objectives: Assess the existing and potential water quality problems in the Pecos River Basin; Increase landowner and stakeholder involvement through educational efforts; Develop a Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) based on the river basin assessment.
Project Location: Pecos River Basin in Texas
The Pecos River Basin Assessment Program was developed as a comprehensive approach to developing a research baseline for water quality and water quantity monitoring in the watershed; educating stakeholders on issues related to water quality and quantity; and to develop a WPP for segments 2310, 2311 and 2312 of the Pecos River. The project is currently entering its third year and much of the basin assessment, educational programming and watershed monitoring are complete. Some of the tasks included in this project are aerial photography and delineation of the entire basin in Texas, conducting aquatic life and habitat surveys, identifying the volume and quality of Pecos tributaries and springs, and identifying saline water sources entering the river. In addition, the project has produced and will continue to produce educational materials and meetings for interested parties. The major monitoring components of the project were collecting water quality data and determining the quantity and fate of water salvaged from saltcedar control.
The development of a WPP is the main deliverable of the project. Currently, the initial draft of the WPP is being developed and is scheduled to be completed during the fall of 2007.
Project Costs: Federal ($709,381); Non-Federal Match ($628,686); Total ($1,365,067)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB and Texas Water Resources Institute
Project Workplan: 04-11
Quality Assurance Project Plan: 04-11
Final Report: 04-11
Pecos River Watershed Protection Plan: 04-11