Project Goals/Objectives: The goals of this project are one, generate data of known and acceptable quality for surface water quality monitoring of mainstem and tributary stations on the Lampasas River. Two, support the implementation of the Lampasas River WPP by collecting water quality data for use in evaluating the effectiveness of BMPs and in assessing water quality improvement. Lastly, communicate water quality conditions to the public and the Lampasas River Watershed Partnership Steering Committee in order to support adaptive management of the Lampasas River WPP and to expand public knowledge on Lampasas River water quality data
Project Location: Lampasas River Watershed in Bell, Burnet, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Mills, and Williamson Counties
Project Cost: Federal ($206,169); Non Federal Match ($166,616); Total Project ($372,785)
Project Participants: TSSWCB, Texas A&M AgriLife Research – Blackland Research and Extension Center (AgriLife Research), Tarleton Institute for Applied Environmental Research (TIAER), Lampasas River Watershed Partnership (Partnership)
Project Website:
Project Workplan: 13-09
Project QAPP: QAPP
Final Report: 13-09