Project Goals/Objectives: As identified during development of the WPP, nonpoint agricultural sources of pollutant loading may be addressed by implementing BMPs on agricultural operations. Agricultural producers, along with SWCDs, TSSWCB and NRCS, have been collaborating to protect the natural resources in Texas for decades. Through the TSSWCB’s WQMP Program, farmers and ranchers routinely implement BMPs on their land utilizing financial and technical assistance programs of SWCDs who receive state and federal funds from TSSWCB, EPA, and NRCS. A WQMP is a site-specific plan developed through, and approved by, SWCDs which includes appropriate land treatment practices, production practices, management measures, and technologies that prevent and abate agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint source pollution. The BMPs prescribed in a WQMP are defined in the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide. SWCDs provide technical assistance to producers seeking to develop a WQMP.
Project Location: The Attoyac Bayou Watershed upstream of Sam Rayburn Reservoir in San Augustine, Nacogdoches, Shelby and Rusk Counties.
Project Partners: TSSWCB, Nacogdoches SWCD #401, Piney Woods SWCD (#429), Shelby SWCD (#449), Rusk SWCD (#447), NRCS, TWRI, Castilaw Environmental Services, LLC, Attoyac Bayou Watershed Partnership
Project Workplan: 19-09
Final Report: 19-09