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Characterizing the Middle Yegua, Davidson Creek, and Deer Creek Watersheds

Project Goals/Objectives: To accurately assess the Davidson Creek, Middle Yegua and Deer Creek watersheds and identify potential causes and sources of pollution, water quality monitoring and characterization are needed. Through this project data will be collected to supplement existing data. Stakeholders will be engaged to participate in characterizing the watershed and estimating load reductions

Project Background: Water quality in Davidson Creek, Middle Yegua and Deer Creek currently exceeds recreational use standards and as a result, a recreational use attainability analysis was conducted on each waterbody. Reports show that primary contract recreation occurs on all three waterbodies indicating that standards will not change.DEER_CREEK_PHOTO_BY_ED_RHODES_IMG_6251 (002).jpg

Project Location: Davidson Creek in Milam and Burleson Counties; Middle Yegua Creek in Lee, Bastrop, Williamson, Milam Counties; Deer Creek in Falls County

Deer_Creek_Wateshed.PNG   Davidson_MiddleYegua_Watersheds.PNG


Project Costs: $284,154 (Non-Federal)

Project Workplan: 18-52, QAPP

Final Report

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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