Buck Creek (Segment 0207A) was listed as an impaired waterbody on the 2002 and 2004 Texas Water Quality Inventory and 303(d) Listbecause it did not meet bacterial water quality standards. The TSSWCB, Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI), Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES), and Hall-Childress, Salt Fork, and Donley County SWCDs have collaborated on the Bacterial Monitoring for the Buck Creek Watershed Project in an effort to determine temporal and spatial variations in bacteria levels in Buck Creek and provide educational meetings where local stakeholders can learn more about the project and its goals. Monitoring was conducted every two weeks and after rainfall events at 15 locations along the creek. Water quality sampling has ceased and the final report has been published.
A second phase of this project focuses on identifying the sources of bacteria in Buck Creek, evaluating potential management alternatives, and developing a watershed protection plan (WPP) to restore the waterbody through a stakeholder driven process.
Project Goals/Objectives: Foster coordinated monitoring, sampling, assessment and informational activities in the Buck Creek watershed; Conduct water quality monitoring, sampling of E. coli, and assess options for future watershed action as necessary; Provide technical assistance in implementing a two-year monitoring regime; Compile thorough watershed assessment data that may be used to verify impairment and provide necessary information for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development should it be required; Conduct informational and educational activities with Buck Creek watershed landowners and other stakeholders.
Project Location: Buck Creek Watershed, Segment 0207A
Project Costs: Federal ($247,198); Non-Federal Match ($140,932); Total Project ($388,130)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Red River Authority, Hall-Childress SWCD, Donley County SWCD, and Salt Fork SWCD
Project Workplan: 03-07
Quality Assurance Project Plan: 03-07
Final Report: 03-07