This project shall serve as a means for establishing and engaging a watershed stakeholder group to assist in the development and future implementation of a Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) for the Attoyac Bayou watershed. This project will utilize portions of the “Three-Tier Approach for Bacteria TMDL Development” as recommended in the Bacteria TMDL Task Force Report submitted to TCEQ and TSSWCB. Tier 1 and Tier 2 recommended tasks will be combined to develop a better understanding of the hydrology, water quality, potential causes and sources for the impairment and will cultivate stakeholder ideas to include in the development of a WPP for the Attoyac Bayou.
The culminating deliverable for the project will be the development of a stakeholder driven WPP for Attoyac Bayou that satisfies EPA’s nine key elements for WPPs. This plan will include information and results from all project tasks and will be based on decisions made by the stakeholder group as a means to manage their watershed resources in the best manner that they see fit while achieving water quality goals and standards.
Project Goals/Objectives: To assess the current water quality conditions and impairments in the Attoyac Bayou watershed thru 1) targeted water quality sampling and analysis, 2) conducting a watershed source survey and developing a comprehensive GIS inventory, 3) analyze water quality data using Load Duration Curves and spatially explicit modeling, 4) conduct bacterial source tracking, 5) conduct a Use Attainability Analysis, 6) establish and provide direction for a stakeholder group that will serve as a decision making body in the assessment of the Attoyac Bayou and facilitate the development of a WPP that satisfies EPA’s nine key element requirement and will guide any further assessment or planning activities.
Project Location: Attoyac Bayou Watershed upstream of Sam Rayburn Reservoir in San Augustine, Nacogdoches, Shelby and Rusk Counties.
Watershed Map: 09-10
Project Costs: Federal ($617,829); Non Federal Match ($414,621); Total Project: ($1,032,450)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas AgriLife Research, Stephen F. Austin State University, Castilaw Environmental Services, LLC, Angelina & Neches River Authority, Pineywoods RC&D
Project Website:
Project Workplan: 09-10
Quality Assurance Project Plan: 09-10
Watershed Protection Plan: 09-10