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Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts



The Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts (ATSWCD) is a chartered, tax exempt, non-profit organization of soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs) in Texas. The purpose of the organization is to promote SWCDs through educational, scientific, charitable and religious activities.

The ATSWCD attempts to make owners and operators of agricultural land aware of the need to conserve and protect the soil and water resources of Texas and the consequences all citizens face if these valuable resources are allowed to deteriorate.

In recent years, the ATSWCD has been a leader in making landowners aware of the need to protect private property rights in order that landowners will be able to continue their traditional conservation practices.

The ATSWCD is divided into 13 Area Associations and each Area Association is governed by their own by-laws. These 13 Area Associations are designed to develop leadership within each Area and to address regional conservation concerns. The Areas are also set up to strengthen lines of communication between all areas of the state. Every SWCD in Texas is considered to have membership in the ATSWCD.

The ATSWCD holds an Annual State Meeting of District Directors in conjunction with the TSSWCB's Annual State Meeting of District Directors.

Any SWCD director who is a district cooperator and who has served at least two years as an SWCD director is eligible to be elected as one of the five State Association Directors, provided their SWCD is current with its quota payment to the ATSWCD. Voluntary annual quotas are assessed each SWCD as established in the ATSWCD by-laws.

Contact the ATSWCD:

Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts
1497 Country View Lane
Temple, TX 76504
Phone: 254-778-8741

Tamara Daniel, Executive Director/Grant Coordinator
email: (

Donna Bednarz, Administrative Assistant
email: (
phone: 254-778-8741

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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