Project Goals/Objectives: This project will provide storm and routine monitoring of the Middle and South Bosque River and Hog Creek watersheds in order to assess agricultural nonpoint source reductions associated with implementation of water quality management plans (WQMPs) within waterbodies of concern for nitrite-nitrate nitrogen. A secondary objective is to monitor reductions in bacteria concentrations through routine grab sampling.A final report will be developed using historical data collected by Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research (TIAER) (1995 – 2003) and post implementation data collected under this work plan to assess preexisting and post-WQMP implementation effects.
Project Location: South and Middle Bosque River watersheds and Hog Creek watershed flowing into Lake Waco
Project Costs: Federal ($308,640); Non-Federal Match ($205,760); Total Project ($514,400)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research, TSSWCB Dublin Regional Office, and McLennan County Soil and Water Conservation District
Project Workplan: 07-12
Project QAPP: 07-12