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Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for the Concho River Basin

Project Goals/Objectives: This project provided an assessment of existing and potential water quality threats related to on-going nonpoint source (NPS) water pollution within the Concho River basin and will also provide a Watershed Protection Plan (WPP). Information obtained from this project was made available to state, federal, and local decision makers to promote the orderly restoration of the basin aquatic environment and to prevent additional degradation.

The Concho River basin lies within thirteen West Texas counties and encompasses a watershed of approximately 4.5 million acres. Four major reservoirs, O.H. Ivie, O.C. Fisher, Twin Buttes, and Lake Nasworthy are located within the watershed. These reservoirs provide potable water, either wholly or in part to approximately one half million people. This WPP is designed to evaluate and assess potential sources of NPS pollution basin-wide and to provide for the development of control strategies. Components of the plan include fixed station water quality monitoring, special study water quality monitoring, hydrologic monitoring and research involving surface and ground water, development of geographic information systems (GIS), hydrologic modeling, and public outreach activities. Investigations have resulted in the preparation of an interim hydrologic report, identification of initial BMPs and the identification of several existing and potential sources of NPS water pollution. Development of initial BMPs has included considerable effort in planning strategy for plan implementation following completion.

Project Location: Concho River Basin to O.H. Ivie Reservoir; including the Concho River (segment 1421) and Lake O.C. Fisher (segment 1425)

Project Costs: Federal ($375,240); Non Federal Match ($246,827); Total Project ($622,067)

Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Upper Colorado River Authority, Texas Water Development Board, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Clean Rivers Program Upper Colorado River Basin Steering Committee, all effected SWCDs, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Geological Survey, Sterling County Underground Water Conservation District, Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research, and City of San Angelo


Project Workplan: 04-13

Quality Assurance Project Plan: 04-13

Interim Report: North Concho River Watershed Restoration Hydrologic Response Monitoring and Research 2000-2006 (04-13 Interim Report)

Final Report: Concho River Watershed Protection Plan (04-13 Final Report)

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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