Project Goals/ Objectives: Through this project, GBRA will continue to collect surface water quality monitoring (SWQM) data to characterize the Plum Creek watershed, including the contributing wastewater effluents. Monitoring data will be used to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the BMPs that have been or will be implemented in the watershed as a result of the Plum Creek WPP. The sampling regime will include diurnal, spring flow, and targeted monitoring under more elevated and typical base flow conditions over the next three years. This will provide a more complete and representative data set to characterize the Plum Creek watershed and document water quality improvements.
Project Location: Plum Creek Watershed in Caldwell and Hays Counties
Project Partners: TSSWCB, GBRA
Cost: Federal ($363,884); Non-Federal ($213,710); Total ($577,594)
Project Workplan: 23-13
Project QAPP: 23-13