The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are working together in an effort with agricultural producers to accelerate the development of conservation plans and adoption of conservation practices in the Lesser Prairie Chicken (LPC) range. The Lesser Prairie Chicken is a grassland-nesting bird found in mixed grass, sand sage, and shinnery oak prairies of western Kansas, southeast Colorado, northwest Oklahoma, the northeastern Texas Panhandle, and the southwestern Texas South Plains, and eastern New Mexico. Due to the loss of native prairie, as well as, fragmented and degraded habitat, the Lesser Prairie Chicken has been listed as Threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Technical Resources
Map of Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative Conservation Planning Areas
John Foster
jfostertsswcb.texas.gov (jfoster[at]tsswcb[dot]texas[dot]gov)
254-773-2250 ext. 235