TEMPLE — The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) released its agency Annual Report which is a comprehensive overview of the agency's accomplishments and initiatives throughout the year. The report places a spotlight on the vital role of Texas agriculture and TSSWCB’s commitment to soil and water conservation.
Texas is known for its vast landscapes and thriving agricultural industry. TSSWCB and its mission are a testament to the importance of sustainable practices in the face of evolving environmental challenges. The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board is dedicated to the stewardship of natural resources, with a primary focus on promoting and implementing effective conservation practices. Through partnerships, education, and innovation, TSSWCB strives to ensure the sustainability of Texas agriculture and safeguard the state's soil and water resources for future generations.
At the heart of TSSWCB’s success is the collaborative effort with the Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) across the state. Together, these SWCDs have played a pivotal role in implementing localized conservation strategies, addressing unique challenges in various regions of Texas and working to promote the importance of land stewardship.
“Our agency works diligently to protect the vital natural resources of our state and we are proud to have the opportunity to serve the citizens of Texas. As TSSWCB looks to the future, we are committed to sustainable agriculture and continued collaboration with Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts to further advance innovative solutions and best practices that will shape the future of Texas agriculture,” said Rex Isom, TSSWCB Executive Director.
View the Annual Report here: https://tsswcb.texas.gov/sites/default/files/files/docs/About/Annual%20Report%20Website.pdf