TEMPLE - Jerry D. Nichols of Nacogdoches was re-elected on May 3, 2016 to serve a successive two-year term on the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board. Nichols was first elected to serve on the State Conservation Board in 2003.
Nichols represents State District IV, which consists of 52 counties in East Texas. State District IV encompasses 37 soil and water conservation districts.
The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board is comprised of five elected Members and two gubernatorial appointees, all of whom must be actively engaged in farming or ranching. The five elected Members are chosen in a convention style election by soil and water conservation district directors in the State District in which the Member represents.
Nichols is a Director on the Nacogdoches Soil and Water Conservation District #401 which is headquartered in Nacogdoches; he has held the Chairman and Secretary positions on the District board. Nichols is a member of the Deep East Texas Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts; he has served as the Vice President of the area Association.
Nichols and his wife, Linda, are currently involved with livestock, poultry, and hay production. Nichols is also active in real estate, banking, and forestry enterprises.
Nichols holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Texas A&M University.
Additional information on the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board Members is available at http://www.tsswcb.texas.gov/aboutus/board.