Project Goals/Objectives: The purpose of this project is to develop a stakeholder-driven WPP for the Kickapoo Creek in the Henderson County watershed that meets the nine essential elements outlined by EPA as fundamental to a successful watershed-based plan. The project will build on a current 319 project, Characterizing the Kickapoo Creek in Henderson County Watershed, for which TIAER is the lead partnering with the Angelina-Neches River Authority. The current project satisfies Elements A and B of the EPA guidance by characterizing sources of pollution and determining the load reductions as needed to meet water quality standards. The current project has also established the stakeholder group and process. This proposal seeks to address Elements C through I and develop a WPP to achieve the needed pollutant load reductions.
Project Location: Henderson and Van Zandt counties
Project Partners: TSSWCB, TIAER, ANRA, and Watershed Stakeholders
Total Costs: $0 (Federal); $233,241 (Non-Federal); $233,241 (Total)
Project Workplan: 21-54
Project QAPP: 21-54