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Middle Yegua and Davidson Creeks Continued Monitoring

Project Goals/Objectives: TWRI will acquire and summarize existing surface water quality data from the watershed. Existing data will be supplemented through monthly water quality monitoring at sites identified from site recon and the QAPP. New data will be submitted to SWQMIS. Existing and new data will be summarized and analyzed in the project's final report to evaluate water quality trends. This project will be considered successful upon the collection of 24 months’ worth of monthly ambient water quality data. Progress will be reported in quarterly progress reports and results will be provided in a final report.

Project Location: Milam and Burleson counties Middle Yegua Creek watershed in Lee, Bastrop, and Williamson counties.

Project Partners: TWRI and TSSWCB

Total Costs: $136,302 (Federal); $90,868 (Non-Federal); $227,170 (Total)

Project Workplan: 21-05

QAPP: 21-05

Final Report: 21-05

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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