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Continuation of Surface Water Quality Monitoring to Support the Implementation of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan

Project Goals/Objectives: TIAER will conduct routine ambient monitoring at 10 sites monthly collecting field, conventional, flow and bacteria parameter groups. The 10 sites have already been identified by the Partnership. The sampling period will extend for at least 24 months with 240 routine samples budgeted. Spatial and seasonal variations will be captured across the sampling period. TIAER will also attempt to conduct biased flow monitoring (weather permitting) at 10 sites, once per quarter/season under wet weather conditions, collecting field, conventional, flow and bacteria parameter groups. 

Project Location: Lampasas River Watershed in Bell, Burnet, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Mills, and Williamson Counties

Project Partners: TSSWCB, AgriLife Research, TIAER, and Lampasas River Watershed Partnership

Project Cost: Federal ($202,264); Non Federal Match ($134,852); Total Project ($337,116)

Project Workplan: 20-11

Project QAPP: 20-11

Project Website:

Final Report: 20-11

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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