Project Goals/Objectives: To receive financial incentives from TSSWCB, the landowner must develop a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) with the local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) that is customized to fit the needs of their operation. To facilitate development and implementation of these management plans, the Petronila and San Fernando Creeks WPP recommended pursuing funding to support a financial incentives program for the Kleberg-Kenedy SWCD, and the creation of a new technician position to provide assistance in the watersheds. This technician is intended to serve the watershed by working one-on-one with local agricultural producers to develop and implement WQMPs.
TSSWCB will administer federal CWA §319(h) funds through Kleberg-Kenedy County SWCD for support of one District Technician who will provide technical assistance to agricultural producers in developing and implementing WQMPs and Prescribed Grazing Plans in the Petronila and San Fernando Creek Watersheds and the Baffin Bay Watershed located in the Coastal Zone Management Area of Kleberg and Kenedy counties. Once the WQMP is developed, it will be sent to the TSSWCB Harlingen Regional Office for technical review and certification. Upon certification of the WQMP, the District Technician will work with the landowners to implement the BMPs prescribed in the WQMP.
Project Location: Petronila Creek, San Fernando Creek and Baffin Bay Watersheds in Kleberg, Kenedy, Nueces, Duval and Jim Wells Counties
Project Costs: Federal $170,585
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB and Kleberg-Kenedy SWCD
Project Workplan: 23-08