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Little River Continued Surface Water Quality Monitoring

Project Goals/Objectives: The Leon and Lampasas Rivers below Belton Lake and Stillhouse Hollow Lake, respectively, transect the urban areas of Temple, TX, and Belton, TX flowing downstream where they merge to form the Little River. The Little River flows southeast where it ultimately reaches the Brazos River. Major tributaries of the Little River are the San Gabriel River and Big Elm Creek. Currently, one assessment unit of the Little River has a concern for elevated levels of bacteria. There are also concerns for nitrate and chlorophyll-a along the length of the river.

Through this project, supplemental water quality monitoring will be conducted with a focus on collecting paired flow rate and E. coli concentration data. Data will be collected at two sites monthly for 18 months at SWQM stations 13546 and 11887 on the Little River. Monthly sampling will include field parameters and grab samples and allow data gaps to be filled that will improve future watershed analysis.

Project Location: From the confluence with the Brazos River in Milam County to the confluence of the Leon River and the Lampasas River in Bell County

Project Cost: State Funds ($110,037)

Project Partners: TSSWCB, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, and Texas Water Resources Institute

Project Workplans23-50

Project QAPP23-50

Final Report: 23-50

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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