Project Goals/Objectives: This project will result in the production of a stakeholder driven WPP developed with buy-in from local stakeholders and governmental entities. We will work with local watershed stakeholders to establish water quality goals and targets for the watershed through the development of a watershed protection plan (WPP). In addition, the plan will work to address other water quality concerns present in the Medina River, specifically, sediment, nitrate, and total phosphorus levels. Following plan development, TWRI will work with watershed stakeholders and local professionals to develop conceptual WPP implementation project content. These documents will serve as a catalyst for future plan implementation and further funding acquisition to support continued WPP implementation locally. Local support to facilitate implementation will initially be provided by TWRI but will be transitioned to a local partner once implementation efforts are underway. Additionally, the existence of, and efforts by SARA to implement their Medina River Holistic Watershed Master Plan provides complimentary long-term support for continued implementation of items likely to be included in the Medina River WPP.
Project Location: Bexar and Medina counties
Project Partners: TSSWCB, Texas A&M AgriLife Research- Texas Water Resources Institute, San Antonio River Authority (SARA)
Total Costs: $322,428 (Federal); $214,952 (Non-Federal); $537,380 (Total)
Project Workplan: 22-03
Project QAPP: 22-03