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The Statewide Delivery of the Lone Star Healthy Streams Program


 Project Goals/Objectives: The goal of this project is to promote healthy watersheds and improve water quality through delivery of the Lone Star Healthy Streams program, using both local and distance education in targeted watersheds across the state. This will be accomplished through the education of Texas livestock and poultry producers and land managers on how to best protect Texas waterways from bacterial contributions associated with the production of livestock and poultry. In addition, this project aims to better understand the barriers and factors associated with the adoption and implementation of BMPs known to reduce bacterial contamination in waterways and develop recommendations for enhanced landowner participation. 

Project Location:  Statewide

Project Costs: Federal ($382,461); Non Federal Match ($255,099); Total Project: ($637,560)

Project Partners: TSSWCB, TWRI, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications at Texas A&M University, NRCS, Department of Animal Science at Texas A&M University


Project Workplan: 20-04

Final Report: 20-04


"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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