JOHNSON CITY - Allow your mind to trip back into time for a few moments and imagine your ancestors making a long distance sea journey to America and then traveling overland in sometimes harsh count
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CORPUS CHRISTI - The Nueces River Authority has released the San Miguel Creek Recreational Use Attainability Analysis (RUAA) draft final report for public comment.
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CORPUS CHRISTI - The Nueces River Authority has announced the opening of the formal public comment period for the draft Lower Nueces River Watershed Protection Plan.
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HOUSTON - Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Texas Sea Grant (Extension) will host its annual Wetland Field Day at Sheldon Lake State Park on October 29, 2015, where participants can lear
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CORPUS CHRISTI - The Nueces River Authority would like to invite everyone in the Lower Nueces River watershed to attend the upcoming stakeholder meeting.
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BAYTOWN - The Cedar Bayou Watershed Partnership (Partnership) has released the Draft Cedar Bayou Watershed Protection Plan (Draft WPP) for public comment.
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UHLAND - The Plum Creek Watershed Partnership (Partnership) welcomes the public to participate in our next stakeholder meeting set for August 13, 2015 at the Uhland Community Center.
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BAYTOWN - A public meeting of the Cedar Bayou Watershed Partnership (Partnership) will be held from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 30, 2015 at the Eddie V.
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TEMPLE - The Lower Clear Fork/Brazos Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) in coordination with Young, Jack, and Throckmorton SWCDs raised $6,000 to match an $8,000 grant from the Texas State
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SAN ANGELO - The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board is requesting proposals for water supply enhancement projects seeking funding in FY2016 to conduct brush control under the Water Suppl
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