Project Goals/Objectives: The Proctor Lake watershed, that encompasses the most upstream portion of the Leon River and tributaries draining into the Proctor Lake, is a rural watershed with farming and ranching being the dominant land use activities. Primary impairments in this watershed include bacterial and depressed dissolved oxygen impairments with concerns for
nutrient enrichment and increased chlorophyll-a. A majority of the nutrient loading and pollution can be attributed to non-point input which include wildlife, confined animal feeding operations, livestock grazing and agriculture land use (TCEQ 2022, BRA 2022). Concentrations of most of the parameters causing impairment/ concern for use attainment or screening levels are increasing (BRA 2022).
Due to documented instances of primary contact recreation in impaired segments, stakeholder education is a priority in this project. General education delivery in the watershed will raise awareness about local water quality issues and will provide general education regarding causes, sources, impacts of and potential solutions to water quality impairments. In addition to these education programs, stakeholders will be engaged, when appropriate, to participate in characterizing the watershed.
Project Location: Bell, Comanche, Coryell, Earth, Hamilton, McLennan, and Mills County.
Project Partners: TSSWCB, TWRI, and Watershed Stakeholders.
Total Costs: $132,809 (Total)
Project Workplan: 23-51
Project QAPP: 23-51