TEMPLE - The Plum Creek Watershed Partnership and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board are seeking public comment on the 2014 Update to the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan (WPP). Plum Creek is 52 miles long and flows southeast from its headwaters in Kyle, Texas to its confluence with the San Marcos River near Luling, Texas. Plum Creek currently exceeds the state water quality standard for contact recreation due to elevated levels of bacteria.
The original Plum Creek WPP was published in 2008 to guide a proactive effort to restore and protect Plum Creek and its tributaries in Hays and Caldwell Counties. The 2014 Update serves as (1) a progress report on efforts to implement the Plum Creek WPP since its initial release with a primary focus on activities and updates from December 2011 through March 2014, (2) a modification to the goals and strategies identified in the WPP, and (3) an analysis of collected water quality data to ascertain interim progress in achieving water quality restoration goals.
"Stream restoration on this scale is not something that is going to happen overnight," said Nick Dornak, Plum Creek Watershed Coordinator. "The Partnership’s Steering Committee and our many stakeholders, however, remain encouraged and focused on our end goal. They have continued to lead this process with tremendous vision and dedication through a period of extraordinary drought and rapid changes in landuse," Dornak added.
The public comment period for the 2014 Update to the Plum Creek WPP extends for 30 days starting December 1, 2014. The WPP Update can be found on the project website listed at the bottom of this news release. Written comments should be submitted to Nick Dornak, Plum Creek Watershed Coordinator, 1403 Blackjack Street, Suite B, Lockhart, Texas 78644 or e-mailed to ndornak [at] plumcreekwatershed [dot] org. All comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 30, 2014, and should reference 2014 Update to the Plum Creek WPP. For further information regarding this update, please contact Nick Dornak at (512) 213-7389 or ndornak [at] plumcreekwatershed [dot] org. Please feel free to pass this message on to anyone who may have an interest in this project.
Funding for this project was made possible through a Clean Water Act Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source Grant from the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The WPP Update is available on the project website at http://www.plumcreek.tamu.edu.