Project Goals/Objectives: The goal of this project is to begin implementation of the Double Bayou WPP. The implementation process will involve implementation of targeted water quality education and outreach management measures outlined in the Double Bayou WPP, implementation of targeted water quality monitoring, further data analysis, and communicating the results to the stakeholders. Through this project, the Double Bayou Watershed Partnership will be crucial in implementing the WPP. The Partnership will serve as the participatory mechanism for interested stakeholders during this process. Using water quality monitoring results, a targeted water quality monitoring plan will be developed. The targeted water quality monitoring plan will provide sufficient data for analysis. The targeted water quality monitoring plan will further define water quality problems noted in the watershed protection plan.
The USGS will conduct water quality data monitoring. USGS will conduct routine ambient monitoring at 4 mainstem sites once every other month, collecting field, conventional, flow, and bacteria parameter groups. USGS will include routine ambient monitoring at 1 WWTF site once per quarter, for an additional 8 samples. USGS will conduct base-flow monitoring at 4 mainstem sites plus the WWTF site, during 2 storm events during the sampling period, collecting field, conventional, flow, and bacteria parameter groups. The USGS will also provide technical support including input for the QAPP and sampling plans. Using data collected from the targeted water quality monitoring plan, GTRI will develop assessment methodologies capable of identifying spatial and temporal changes in water quality. GTRI will conduct analysis of patterns in water quality to determine if beginning implementation strategies are having an impact. Data results and analyses will be developed into outreach materials and presented to the stakeholders for discussion.
Project Location: Double Bayou Watershed in Chambers and Liberty Counties.
Project Partners: TSSWCB, GTRI/HARC, and USGS
Project Costs: Federal ($373,175); Non-Federal ($208,355); Total ($581,530)
Project Workplan: 22-13
Project QAPP: 22-13