Event Details
May 22, 2024
The Texas Well Owner Network (TWON) program is a free, educational training for Texas residents who depend on household wells for their water needs. TWON is for private well owners who want to become familiar with groundwater resources, septic system maintenance, well maintenance, water quality and water treatment. Private well owners are independently responsible for monitoring the quality of their wells. Essentially, they are the operators of their own water system and are responsible for ensuring that their water is safe.
Bring water samples Monday, May 20 to be screened for nitrate–nitrogen, arsenic, total dissolved solids (TDS) and E. coli bacteria. Pick up approved sample containers with instructions at your local the County AgriLife Extension office or the Brush Country Groundwater Conservation District office in Falfurrias.
Drop samples at the same location where testing materials were picked up.
Samples are due on Monday, May 20 by 10:00 a.m.. There is no cost for this screening.
Other Events in the Area
2025 SWCD Director & Employee Workshop
Temple -For more information on the workshop visit: https://www.tsswcb.texas.gov/programs/public-information-and-education/soil-and-water-conservation-district-leadership