Project Goals/Objectives: Foster coordinated technical assistance activities in the Falcon Reservoir Drainage Area in Zapata County; Conduct an inventory and map land uses and current management practices within the targeted watershed; Provide technical and/or financial assistance to landowners to aid in the development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs); Compile information on the location and types of Best Management Practices for each WQMP implemented; Measure water quality improvement in impaired water bodies.
Project Location: Falcon Reservoir, Segment 2303
Project Costs: Federal (461,290); Non-Federal Match ($100,000); Total Project (561,290)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Zapata SWCD, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Kika De La Garza Plant Material Center
Project Workplan: 04-08
Final Report: 04-08