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Completed Projects
Completed Projects
Completed Projects
Continuation of the LCRA Creekside Soil and Water Conservation Program
Coordinating Facilitation and Implementation of the Attoyac Bayou Watershed Protection Plan and Monitoring Implementation Effectiveness
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Mid and Lower Cibolo Creek
Implementation of the Leon River Water Protection Plan through Technical and Financial Assistance to Repair or Replace Failing On-Site Sewage Facilities in Hamilton County
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Attoyac Bayou Watershed Protection Plan
Surface Water Quality Monitoring to Support the Implementation of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Cedar Bayou Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Lower Nueces River Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Upper Llano Watershed Protection Plan
Development of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Development of the Upper Llano River Watershed Protection Plan
Implementation of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural NPS Components of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Investigation into Contributions of Nitrate-Nitrogen to Plum Creek, Geronimo Creek and the Underlying Leona Aquifer
Statewide Delivery of Riparian and Ecosystem Education Program
Agricultural NPS Remediation in the Cedar Creek Reservoir Watershed
Arroyo Colorado Agricultural Nonpoint Source Assessment
Bacterial Source Tracking to Support the Development and Implementation of WPPs for the Lampasas and Leon Rivers
Classification of Current Land Use/Land Cover for Certain Watersheds Where TMDLs or WPPs Are In Development
Continuous Water Quality Monitoring and Dissolved Oxygen Modeling in the Pecos River
Coordinating Implementation of the Leon River Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Implementation of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Attoyac Bayou
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Cedar Bayou
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Double Bayou
Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Geronimo Creek
Development of the Lower Nueces River Watershed Protection Plan
Development of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Education of Best Management Practices in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed
Implementation of the Leon River WPP through Technical and Financial Assistance to Repair or Replace OSSFs in Hamilton County
Implementing the Arroyo Colorado WPP by Providing Technical and Financial Assistance to Reduce Agricultural NPS
Lake Granger Watershed Assessment and Implementation Project
Lampasas River Watershed Assessment and Protection Project
Leon River Watershed Protection Plan Project
Monitoring and Educational Programs Focused on Bacteria and Nutrient Runoff on Dairy Operations in the Leon Watershed
Regional Watershed Coordinator
SWAT Model Simulation of the Arroyo Colorado Watershed
Texas Watershed Steward Program
Water Quality Monitoring in the Geronimo Creek Watershed and Facilitation of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Partnership
Watershed Protection Plan Development for Buck Creek
Watershed Protection Plan Development for the Navasota River below Lake Limestone
Watershed Protection Plan Development for the Pecos River
WQMP Implementation Assistance in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Lavon Lake Watershed Protection Plan
Implementation of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Coordinating Facilitation and Implementation of the Double Bayou Watershed Protection Plan and Monitoring for Implementation Effectiveness
Development and Implementation of a Watershed Protection Plan for Lavon Lake
Implementing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Components of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Attoyac Bayou Watershed Protection Plan Implementation Effectiveness Monitoring and Facilitation Continuation
Continued Statewide Delivery of the Texas Well Owner Network & Water Resources Education and Outreach for Students and Teachers
Continued Coordinating Implementation of the Leon River Watershed Protection Plan
Implementing Agricultural NPS Management Measures of the Cedar Bayou and Double Bayou Watershed Protection Plans
Kickapoo Creek in Henderson County Watershed Protection Plan
"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."
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