TEMPLE - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed and accepted the Double Bayou Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) as meeting the agency’s guidelines for watershed-based plans. The Double Bayou WPP describes voluntary implementation strategies to reduce nonpoint source pollution in the watershed.
Double Bayou was listed as impaired on the Texas 303(d) List due to depressed dissolved oxygen and elevated levels of bacteria. In an effort to protect the bayou, the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and Geotechnology Research Institute/Houston Advanced Research Center partnered together with the local landowners to develop a plan to address the impairments.
"Through hard work and dedication, the Double Bayou Watershed Partnership has developed a plan to improve and protect their local water resources," said Brian Koch, Regional Watershed Coordinator at the TSSWCB.
Area landowners and citizens interested in the implementation of the Double Bayou WPP are invited to a public meeting on Tuesday, July 19, 2016. The meeting will be from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Double Bayou Community Center located at 2211 Eagle Ferry Road in Anahuac.
More information on the Double Bayou WPP is available at http://www.doublebayou.org or by contacting Brian Koch at (979) 532-9496 or bkoch [at] tsswcb [dot] texas [dot] gov.
Funding for the development of the Double Bayou WPP was provided through a Clean Water Act §319(h) grant from the TSSWCB and the EPA.