TEMPLE— The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB), United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS), Plum Creek Conservation District, Hays County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and Caldwell-Travis SWCD, partnered together to conduct an $8 million rehabilitation project on the flood control structure known as Plum Creek Site 6 in Kyle.
Plum Creek Site 6 was constructed in 1967 as a low hazard dam, but due to downstream development the dam was later classified as high hazard. Through the work of federal, state and local entities a project to rehabilitate the dam was initiated. The purpose of the rehabilitation project was to upgrade the dam to meet current performance and safety criteria for high hazard dams and to extend the service life of the dam an additional 100 years. Site 6 provides substantial flood protection by providing more than $74,000 in average annual flood damage reduction benefits.
The original structure was planned, designed and constructed by USDA-NRCS with cooperation of local sponsors that initiated the project, acquired land rights, implement land treatment measures in the watershed and agreed to conduct operation and maintenance (O&M) after the dam was complete.
Over 2,000 flood control structures, or dams, have been built over the last 60 years within the State of Texas. The primary purpose of the structures is to protect lives and property by reducing the velocity of floodwaters, and thereby releasing flows at a safer rate. During the 2010-2011 biennium, the Texas Legislature began appropriating funds to TSSWCB to ensure the dams continue to serve as critical protection for the state’s infrastructure, private property and lives.
TSSWCB uses these funds to provide technical and financial assistance to local soil and water conservation districts and other sponsors for maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of dams built through the USDA-NRCS Small Watershed Program.
The Small Watershed Program assists local organizations in conducting watershed surveys and investigations, and in planning and installing structural and land treatment measures for watershed protection and flood prevention. The Program has three general purposes: 1) preventing damage from erosion, floodwater and sediment; 2) furthering the conservation development, utilization, and disposal of excess flood water; and 3) furthering the conservation and proper utilization of land.
Funding was provided by USDA-NRCS (65% federal funds, $5.3 million), TSSWCB (33.25% state funds, $2.7 million), and Plum Creek Conservation District (1.75% local funds, $140,000).
The TSSWCB’s flood control programs provide grants to local sponsors of flood control dams to address operation, maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of dams. For more information on the agency’s program, visit: https://www.tsswcb.texas.gov/programs/flood-control-program