TEMPLE - The Texas Soil Health Short Course will be held on February 22-23, 2017 at the Region 9 Education Service Center in Wichita Falls, Texas. The short course will offer the opportunity to gain a better understanding of soil properties including water infiltration, water holding capacity, and organic matter content. It is being hosted by the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and the Association of Texas Soil & Water Conservation Districts (ATSWCD).
"Our conservation partners and I are thrilled to bring this rare learning opportunity to landowners in Texas. Soil health is a hot topic as natural resource conservation continues to remain a top priority across the nation. As conservation practices change it is essential that we keep our producers abreast of the latest trends," said Barry Mahler, Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board Member of Iowa Park, Texas.
Speakers for the short course will include researchers and producers that will share their insight and experiences in soil health. The agenda includes Dr. Paul DeLaune, Assistant Professor with Texas A&M Agrilife Research & Extension Center; Terry McAlister, Wichita County farmer; Dr. Jason Warren, Soil and Water Conservation/Management Extension Specialist with Oklahoma State University; Dr. Bob Steward, Director of Dryland Agriculture Institute at West Texas A&M University; Steve Marten, Archer County farmer; and Clay Pope, Oklahoma producer and liaison with the USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub.
The Texas Soil Health Short Course is designed to provide participants with research in dynamic soil properties and technical information about practical approaches to implementing a system to improve soil health. Conservation demonstrations and soil pits will showcase the functions of a healthy soil system and highlight its improved water infiltration, soil porosity, increase biological activity, and greater nutrient efficiency.
Early registration is $75 and an additional $25 for the field tour is due by February 1, 2017. The cost of registration after February 1, 2017 is $100 for the short course and $40 for the field tour. For more information, please visit: http://www.tsswcb.texas.gov/event/20170222 or call 254-773-2250.