WESLACO - Agricultural producers interested in learning about federal and state programs that offer assistance with implementing best management practices are invited to attend the Financial and Technical Assistance program being held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 29, 2014, at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Weslaco.
The Arroyo Colorado Watershed Partnership and University of Texas-Pan American Rural Economic Development office have partnered to host this program and lined up speakers from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency, Texas Department of Agriculture, and Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board among others.
The focus of the program is to educate agricultural producers about the resources that are available to them such as technical and financial assistance programs that aid in implementing best management practices.
With the passing of the new Farm Bill, many of these programs have changed, and this is a great opportunity to learn about what is still being offered.
Representatives from the various agencies will be explaining the programs that they offer, the type of practices that they promote and how to apply. Many of these practices help to improve soil health which can be vital to maintaining nutrients in the soil and improving the water holding capacity of the soil.
In addition to the assistance programs, there will also be an update from the Rio Grande Watermaster on reservoir levels and a weather forecast from the National Weather Service - Brownsville.
For more information or to RSVP, contact Ashley Gregory at 956-968-5581 or by email at ahgregory [at] ag [dot] tamu [dot] edu.