Project Goals/Objectives: The Regional Watershed Coordinator will provide technical assistance to local stakeholder groups in their efforts to draft and implement watershed protection plans (WPPs). The Regional Watershed Coordinator will promote and support sustainable, locally-driven watershed coordination to develop WPPs consistent with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's nine essential elements, assist in leveraging limited financial resources and locating new funding sources for successful WPP implementation, and facilitate communication between regional stakeholders through newletters, a website, and a regional watershed coordination steering committee.
This project provides a Regional Watershed Coordinator in the TSSWCB Wharton Field Office to assist local stakeholder groups in developing and implementing WPPs. This project's service area includes watersheds in 40 Soil and Water Conservation Districts comprising 47 counties across southeast and south central Texas. In January 2005, a Regional Watershed Coordination Steering Committee was established to steer the project toward successful WPP development and implementation by identifying and prioritizing those watersheds most in need of coordinated watershed protection planning. The Steering Committee is composed of water quality monitoring and improvement partners from across the service area, including other state agencies, federal agencies, river authorities, national estuary programs, and councils of governments.
The Regional Watershed Coordinator has assisted stakeholders in the Plum Creek Watershed Partnership, the Dickinson Bayou Watershed Partnership, several TMDL projects, and regional partners in the Clean Rivers Program. The Regional Watershed Coordinator develops a monthly newsletter to keep regional stakeholders informed on projects, news, and information within the project service area.
If successful, this regional approach to coordinated watershed protection planning may be used as a model for other TSSWCB Field Offices throughout the state. This project is entering its third year (FY2007). This coordinated watershed protection planning project is funded through TSSWCB with a CWA §319(h) grant.
Project Location: Southeast and South Central Texas (TSSWCB Wharton Regional Office service area)
Project Costs: Federal ($145,249); Non Federal Match ($0); Total ($145,249)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB
Project Workplan: 04-19