Project Goals/Objectives: This project will collect data to evaluate factors affecting attainment of recreational use in Buffalo Creek (Segment 0214B). Possible sources of bacteria will be assessed by developing a comprehensive GIS inventory, evaluating historical water quality data, and conducting a watershed source survey. To ensure decision-making is founded on local input and that watershed action is successful, public participation and stakeholder interaction will be a critical component of this project.
Project Background: The Buffalo Creek watershed is mainly rural and land use is predominantly pastureland and oil and gas production. Buffalo Creek is a headwater tributary of the Wichita River within the Red River Basin. The creek flows 34 miles east from east of Electra in Wichita County to the confluence with the Wichita River in Wichita County. The watershed includes approximately 64,975 acres that includes portions of the cities of Electra and Iowa Park. Buffalo Creek was first listed as having a bacteria impairment for contact recreation on the 2000 Texas 303 (d) List and has been listed in the 2010 Texas Water Quality Inventory as impaired due to depressed oxygen concentrations. Buffalo Creek is one of many rural waterbodies listed on the Texas 303(d) List due to elevated levels of E. coli, the non-pathogenic indicator bacteria found in warm-blooded animals. These indicator bacteria are used to assess the possible presence of pathogens that would limit the contact recreation use of a waterbody.
This project consists of performing a Comprehensive RUAA on Buffalo Creek (Segment 0214B) for the purpose of ascertaining the level of recreational use occurring in the creek. This project will adhere to the procedures provided in the TCEQ Procedures for a Comprehensive RUAA and a Basic RUAA Survey.
This Comprehensive RUAA of Buffalo Creek consists of 3 main tasks: a) conducting the required two surveys of Dixon Creek, b) public participation and stakeholder interaction and c) evaluation of historical bacterial water quality data and survey of possible bacteria sources.
Project Location: Buffalo Creek (Segment 0214B)
Project Participation: TSSWCB, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Stephenville, and Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research
Project Workplan: 12-52
Project QAPP: 12-52