Project Goals/Objectives: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension will continue to facilitate the Mill Creek Watershed Partnership through coordination with all key stakeholder groups (cities, counties, agricultural groups, local businesses, HOAs, etc.) and partner agencies (NRCS, SWCDs, TCEQ, etc.). This will include organizing and conducting public meetings with the Partnership Steering Committee, as well as other planning and implementation meetings, as necessary and appropriate. Extension will promote public participation in meetings, events, and implementation activities through extensive use of various communication mechanisms, including newsletters, news releases, radio and other mass media, the project website, social media, phone, mail and email contact.
Extension will facilitate collaborative efforts among project partners to implement management measures for all three key categories of nonpoint source pollution: urban, wastewater, and agricultural, including specific emphasis on management measures identified by stakeholders as urban storm water, septic system, and agricultural, and non-domestic animal and wildlife management. This will involve working closely with city and county personnel, as well as local and regional state staff, SWCDs, federal agency staff, and other members of the partnership.
Project Location: Mill Creek watershed in Austin and Washington Counties
Project Costs: Federal: $243,940; Non-federal: $162,649; Total: $406,589
Project Partners: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Austin County SWCD, Washington SWCD and TWRI
Project Workplan: 21-11
Project QAPP: 21-11