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Enhancing Feral Hog Management Through Statewide Implementation of Lone Star Healthy Streams

Project Goals/ Description: This project will enhance statewide implementation of feral hog mangement education by conducting watershed-based trainings in selected watersheds initiated by TSSWCB project 12-06, Statewide Delivery of Lonestar Healthy Streams Feral Hog Component and Providing Technical Assistance on Feral Hog Management in Priority Watersheds. The goals of this project include the following:

  • Provide statewide feral hog damage management education through watershed-based group trainings
  • Increase citizen awareness, understanding, and knowledge about the biology, economic damage, nethods of removal, and laws and regulations concerning the management of feral hogs
  • Provide best management practices for feral hog reduction promoting healthy watersheds
  • Improve watershed health by empowering individuals and communities to reduce feral hog populations

Background: Feral Hogs have established themselves across Texas and pose a variety of challenges, including water quality degradation, agricultural damage, predation, transmittal of disease and parasites, and environmental damage to both urban and rural environments.  Feral hogs have caused a high level of economic, biological and natural resource damage as their numbers rapidly expand and their impact becomes a national threat.  To help combat this threat, many Watershed Protection Plans (WPP) and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) in implementation and development call for the management of feral hogs, to reduce their negative effects on water quality.  

Location: Bastrop Bayou Watershed in Brazoria County; Dickinson Bayou in Brazoria and Galveston Counties; Geronimo Creek Watershed in Guadalupe and Comal Counties; Gilleland Creek in Travis County; Lake Granbury Watershed in Hood, Parker, Palo Pinto, Ranger, Erath, and Jack Counties; Lake Houston Area Watersheds in Grimes, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Walker and Waller Counties; Lampasas River Watershed in Bell, Burnet, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Mills, and Williamson Counties; Leon River Watershed below Proctor Lake and above Belton Lake in Comanche, Hamilton, Erath, Coryell, Mills and Bell Counties; , Lower San Antonio River Watershed in DeWitt, Goliad, Guadalupe, Karnes, Refugio, Victoria, and Wilson Coutnies; Plum Creek Watershed in Caldwell, Hays, and Travis Counties; San Bernard River Watershed in Austin, Colorado, Wharton, Fort Bend, and Brazoria Counties; Upper Oyster Creek in Fort Bend County, Carters and Burton Creeks Watershed in Brazos County; Guadalupe River Watershed Above Canyon Lake in Kerr County.

Cost: Federal ($558,010), Non-Federal ($376,973), Total ($934,983)

Project Website:

Workplan: 14-12, Final Report 

Previous Project Workplan: 12-06

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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