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Development of the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan

Project Background: Mill Creek (Segment 1202K) is a 256,000-acre watershed in the Brazos River Basin that is identified as imparied on the 2012 303(d) list due to bacteria contamination. Data used for the 2012 Integrated Report were 25 samples taken during the 7-year period between December 2003 and November 2010. The geometric mean of these data for E. coli bacteria was 177 colony forming units  per 100 milliliters (cfu/100 mL.), which exceeds the state standard of 126 cfu/100 mL.

The 2012 Texas Integrated Report lists the source of the bacteria impairment for Mill Creek as unknown. Watershed reconnaissance performed on Mill Creek as part of the RUAA pilot project conducted in 2007 noted that land in the watershed is used prodominantly for agricultural purposes with over 56% under some form of prodcution. The RUAA also noted that presence of two wastewater treatment plants in the watershed.

This project will provide critical supporting data and information necessary for development of a stakeholder-driven watershed protection plan for Mill Creek that satisfies EPA's nine elements for acceptance, with the fundamental purpose being to promote enhanced stakeholder participation throughout the process and into the implementation phase.

Project Goals/Description:The goal of this project is to complete the stakeholder componenet of plan development within 6 months. A "Local Advisory Group" will be created to support preemptive data collection and analysis efforts. Utilizing data and information gathered throught this project, Extension will facilitate the stakeholder-driven plan development process with support from the TSSWCB, Houston Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), and the Brazos River Authority (BRA).

Project Location:Mill Creek and its tributaries in Austin and Washington Counties

Project Costs:State Funds $299, 955

Project Participants: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Serivce- Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, TAMU Spatial Sciences Laboratory (SSL), Texas A&M AgriLife Research- Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN) and Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC)

Project Website

Project Workplan14-57

Project QAPP:  SWQMLDC/Select

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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