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Building Partnerships for Cooperative Conservation in the Trinity River Basin

Project Goals/Objectives: The goal of this project is to develop a peer network of private landowners engaged in cooperative conservation to advance the restoration and protection of water quality within the Trinity River Basin by:

  • Establishing relationships with stakeholders in the middle Trinity River Basin to create partnerships necessary for future WPP development and implementation
  • Promoting a healthy Trinity River Basin by increasing stakeholder awareness, understanding, and knowledge about the nature and function of watersheds, potential impairments, and watershed protection strategies to minimize NPS pollution
  • Developing citizen engagement and leadership capacity in resources management
  • Fostering a culture of cooperative natural resources stewardship with stakeholders throughout the middle basin

Project Location: Middle Trinity River Basin in Johnson, Ellis, Kaufman, Van Zandt, Hill, Navarro, Henderson, Limestone, Freestone, Anderson, Leon, Houston, Madison, Grimes, Rockwall, and Walker Counties

Project Cost: Federal ($437,946); Non Federal Match ($293,569); Total Project ($731,515)

Project Participants: TSSWCB, Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, Trinity Waters

Project Website:

Project Workplan: 10-09

Final Report: 10-09

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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