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Brushy Creek Watershed Monitoring and Historical Streamflow Estimation

Project Goals/Objectives: In order to support a more comprehensive understanding of the waterbody’s conditions, additional water quality data will be collected monthly for a total of 18 months at two monitoring sites in Brushy Creek. Existing water quality data will be retrieved and summarized along with the data acquired through the project to provide an evaluation of the water quality trends in Brushy Creek. Additionally, continuous flow data will be collected at one of the sites for the development of a streamflow estimation method that aims to generate historical streamflow at ungauged and/or poorly gauged areas. The chosen method is expected to support current watershed characterization efforts, including bacterial load analysis and load reduction analysis. 

Project Location: Williamson and Milam Counties

Project Partners: TSSWCB and TWRI

Total Costs: $101,999

Project Workplan: 22-53

Project QAPP: 22-53

Final Report: 22-53

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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