Project Goals/Objectives: TWRI will continue working with key stakeholders and partner agencies to facilitate implementation outlined in the watershed-based plan. TWRI will serve as the primary conduit for interaction with landowners, citizens, and entities to facilitate WPP implementation. TWRI will coordinate with the general stakeholder group to seek input and recommendations on needed activities and educational programs in the watershed and continue to support WPP implementation efforts. TWRI will continue to assist stakeholders to implement management measures to improve water quality and acquire resources to enable implementation and work with state and federal agencies, as appropriate, to bring technical and financial assistance to the watershed.
Project Location: Guadalupe, Wilson, Bexar, Karnes, and Comal counties
Project Partners: TWRI, TSSWCB, SARA
Total Costs: $168,310 (Federal); $112,206 (Non-Federal); $280,516 (Total)
Project Workplan: 21-08