In 2007, the TSSWCB Regional Watershed Coordination Steering Committee, using established criteria, ranked Geronimo Creek in the top 3 watersheds for selection of WPP development. The development of the WPP for Geronimo and Alligator Creeks has been a stakeholder driven process lead by Extension with support from the GBRA. The Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Partnership (the Partnership) Steering Committee includes local officials, land and business owners and citizens and is supported by state and federal agency partners. With technical assistance from project staff, the Steering Committee has identified issues that are of particular importance to the surrounding communities, and has contributed information on land uses and activities that has been helpful in identifying the sources of nutrient and bacterial impairments, and in guiding the development of the WPP.
Nonpoint source pollution is considered a significant contributor to water quality issues in Plum Creek. Based on information gathered in the watershed and through discussions with local stakeholders, key potential pollutant contributors were determined to be urban runoff, wastewater, agriculture. Implementation of the WPP is underway to coordinate the implementation, implement agricultural components of the WPP, and to monitor Surface Water Quality in the Watershed.
Past Projects: 08-06: Workplan Final Report, 11-06: Workplan, Final Report, 14-09: Workplan, Final Report, 17-57: Workplan, Final Report, 17-07: Workplan, Final Report,