Project Goals/Objectives: The 2014 303(d) List identifies the Lower Cibolo Creek (Segment 1902) as exceeding the contact recreation criterion for E. coli bacteria. It has been listed as impaired since 2004. To address the high bacteria levels, as well as low levels of depressed dissolved oxygen present in the watershed, a WPP is currently being developed and will be submitted in Spring 2019. This plan includes the impaired segments as well as surrounding tributaries that have several water quality concerns. The ultimate water quality goal for this segment is to reduce bacterial concentrations to within acceptable risk levels for the stream to meet the Primary Contact Recreation Standard 1.
The Mid Cibolo and Lower Cibolo Creek have seen increased development in the residential sector as well as increased activity because of hydraulic fracturing activity in the Eagle Ford Shale formation. With this increased development, it is important that the plan being developed to protect the watershed’s creeks and streams continue to be supported and implemented to protect the biological and riparian resources in the Mid and Lower Cibolo Creek watershed.
To ensure the overall success of the WPP from development to implementation, education and outreach programs will occur throughout the watershed. In FY18, programs such as the Texas Watershed Stewards and Texas Riparian and Stream Ecosystem Education have been performed in the watershed. These education programs allow stakeholders to gain knowledge on water quality issues in the area and what can be done to mitigate water quality impacts. Education and outreach will continue to play a crucial role during implementation of the WPP.
Project Location: Mid and Lower Cibolo Creek watershed in Guadalupe, Wilson, Bexar, Karnes, and Comal counties.
Project Costs: $153,156
Project Workplan: 19-52
Project QAPP: 19-52
Final Report: 19-52